Damn, what a fucking year. That's for sure man. Mr. O killed Osama Bin Laden A.K.A the bogguie man, A.K.A the Antichrist, A.K.A the one-of- the -biggest- assholes -of- mankind. Transformers Three was released and mostly it sucked ass ( I wasn't high enough to fully enjoy it, but man, those special effects where awesome!)
He looks so funnier now that he is dead. ( Copyrigth Bacsa 2011 - like if I care !-)
The Occupy Wall Street Movement was born, then black friday happened and no one care about this hippie-hipster shitty event anymore.
-Yeah man, we are the 99%, no one here uses masks like we do. We represent as well Anonymous, you know. We love mother earth, that's why we even recycle masks. Yeah man. We 99%.
Great video games were released, like Batman Arkham City, Portal Two ( Best Video game of the Year in my humble opinion) Zelda Skyward Sword, Uncharted Three Drake's Deception and many, many more.
The uprising of the Arabic Spring that changed the Egypt government, and middle east. The Dead of Kim Jon Il and the new successor of North Korea.
I am fat and ugly and sometimes working as a dictator or Yoko Ono's stunt.
The Ipad 2 came out, the Kindle Fire ( thats looks like is gonna take the throne from Apple's new gadget) the dead of Steve Jobs, his biography, Siri and the possible iTV coming in 2012.
Now the myth of climate change has been debunked, there is climate change and is happening way too fast, the dominance of China as the Super power in the world, the lack of immigration reform made headlines in the newspapers, Arizona was trying to implement its own version of it, if you look like an immigrant that was enough to ask for your permits to see if you were legally allowed to stay in the country.
No wonder why they are taking over the world, fucking fearless, or their acid is wayyyy stronger than ours.
The supreme court of Justice ruled that corporations are people - and that is so fucking stupid- and money equals free speech, now in order to be heard you gotta send a check to your representative. We are fucked if we get charged by word. I wonder if corporations are people, why they cannot be sent to jail if the do something wrong? You know, like a REAL FUCKING PERSON .
The greed of Wall Street has not end, they were bailed out and profiting from us. We still gotta pay taxes, but General Electric does not have to. You know, they are a corporation but they don't pay taxes, but they don't go to jail. If I don't pay my taxes, well I gotta go jail.
Republicans are fighting each other to grab the chance to be the candidate to contend against Mr. O for the 2012 elections. The Democrats are to scared to do something bold - like a Education Reform that we BADLY NEED- they are playing to be just nice.
former president and now full time blood sucker Mr G.W Bush
The Drug War in Mexico has reached the news media, reporters , tv and radio stations are a target for reporting whats going on in their territory, even bloggers have been killed for expressing their views.
Zeta is not from Zorro it stands for zucz azz.
The Mc Rib was on the market again - is up to you to think that's bad or good-
In other words, this year was crazy, the next one you just gotta keep following all these shit and just add the possible annihilation of the complete life in the world.
So many things, well, after these all this crazy shit happening in this year there is a unique opportunity to re-create yourself.
The Book of Changes, know as the I-Ching ( actually not an app) is one of the oldest books; was wrote more than 4,000 years. Is an oracle and due his obscure and vague way to " speak to one" gives a lot of interpretation but enclosed in it's lines -named Hexagrams- there is an ancient knowledge waiting to be discover.
The hexagram Zhen - shock- represents a shake, quake, an event so powerful that literally shakes what is inside you, like a quake, the energy destroys what is flimsy, not well build, whats is old, but as well, this time shows an incredible chance to rebuild whats is need it, to perfect what was not ready and shows the true potential of the moment.
A chance to reinvent yourself.
These times are hard, but as everything in life, there are ups and downs, there are great moments, and bad moments.
As life shows, there is no end, there is just a cycle, and even if we are not in this world anymore, things and life keep moving on.
Happy New Year.
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