Why do people believe in bullshit?
It was a hot summer night and all the right elements were in place to engage in a philosophical chat: alcohol, friends, ideas floating in the sea breeze and the echo of people's thoughts It is the unapologetic reason of just talking. The fresh wind mitigated the unusual heat. I heard people talking about global warming and how the seasons are getting extreme; then somebody said that there is not such thing as global warming because this term was created by the government for carbon taxation. I put closed attention on those words.
Later heard something about chemtrails: a black-op to “control our mind”. Then that human clones exist and there was an U.F.O crash in Roswell, New Mexico. Finally, the biggest transgressor of that night: vaccines create autism. I snatched some beers and left the group, too much mental diarrhea around me.
I ended up completely hammered, playing God of War. It was a good day after all.
Stop saying bullshit you mother fucker, if not am gonna fucking snap your neck.
The next morning after pissed and sweated out the ethylic elixir, I was a little baffled. My alcoholic friends are smart -very smart- Do they really believe on those things? so I decided to do some research and try to find out the origin of my friends conspiracies theories -bullshit ideas- around the net.
So for you guys, this tiny work. Enjoy it!
Humans clones are walking among us.
This idea has been around for long time, made popular due the 90’s TV show: The X-files and the clonation of the sheep Dolly but it is VERY HARD TO CLONE any mammal - took at least 277 different trials to clone Dolly - and there are several philosophical and practical questions that need to be address.
Dr. Robert Lanza, chief scientific officer at the biotech company Advanced Cell Technology, which works on cell therapies for human diseases, and has cloned animals says:
"The extremely high rate of death, and the risk of developmental abnormalities from cloning makes human cloning unethical" and follows "It's like sending your baby up in a rocket knowing there's a 50-50 chance it's going to blow up. It's grossly unethical"
Exploding babies are never a good idea, at all.
On the other hand, there is a very interesting scenario worthy to read: A war in Krypton to give full rights to clones and stopped being used as organ banks.
Conspiracy theorists say that those clouds that look like a cocaine lines control your mind.
This is one of my favorites. While I was stalking people on their facebook pages a few wannabe hipsters put a fantastic picture of Miami’s blue sky, that deep color crowned by silver clouds; a majestic view. What grabbed my attention were the comments on it: “ So sad, chemtrails” and more people saying that yeah, indeed, there are chemtrails and we are fucked.
Chemtrails are believed to be a government effort to subdue the will of its people. The evil empire sends its aircrafts to release chemical compounds in the air that modify our behaviour making us docile and accept the law with no second thought, but for a very strange reason those facebook friends are immune to this effect.
This is totally bullshit idea fueled by a paper drafted by the U.S Air Force "Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025."
Which is almost a plot for a X-men movie: controlling the weather for bellicose reasons.
Weather controller witch by day, amazing stripper by night.
Many government agencies around the world have received petitions from their citizens to know if these chemtrails are a real threat or just the excess of spare time mixed with too much imagination.
So far, science has found no proof that there are chemical compounds been released into the air that controls people’s minds but the classic chemtrail white cloud rail are known as contrails: "streaks of condensed water vapor created in the air by an airplane or rocket at high altitudes."
Very popular conspiracy theory, just google roswell+incident and you will have more than 2.17 million results. Goes like this: In July 7, 1947 an aircraft crashed in Roswell, New Mexico. The next day the local newspaper, The Roswell Daily Record, published in its first page that a flying saucer collided in the dessert and its dead crew was captured by the Air Force. People lose their shit, we are not alone in the universe and aliens are crappy drivers too.
There are several books, websites and films that are related with the Roswell incident. Not long ago video footage of an alien autopsy was circulating the net; later was revealed this was a reconstruction from a previous film now lost. After more than 50 years of the Roswell legend the true came out, the recovered debris was part of the Mogul Project: Use of weather balloons with attached microphones released to the stratosphere that allowed the detection of sound waves created by nuclear tests.
Global Warming Deniers.
There are many scientific research that relates the climate change with the use of fossil lard a.k.a fuel; as well deforestation that creates the Greenhouse Effect and holes in the ozone layer. In other words humans are just fucking up this planet. The conclusion of these studies are clear: if we don’t tide shit up, is gonna get hotter.
Oceans are boiling, glaciers are melting, penguins are becoming the new rotisserie chicken and polar bears are sweating. The global warming effect is making stronger storms and arid areas getting bigger. If we don't do something oceans will flood because of the ice cap melting
Several countries are creating new laws to mitigate this serious problems, which by the way affects everyone in this planet. Nonetheless, here in the U.S.A things are different, the lawmakers don’t mess around with mere mortals. They go straight to the source, they go to God. As this very eloquent and well informed congressman John Shimkus said while debating the idea for a very need legislation for carbon emissions:
“I do believe in the Bible as the final word of God,” “And I do believe that God said the Earth would not be destroyed by a flood.” “The Earth will end only when God declares it’s time to be over. Man will not destroy this Earth. This Earth will not be destroyed by a Flood. I do believe that God’s word is infallible, unchanging, perfect.”
Am a fucking loser, I knew it the whole time .Awesome words from + 2000 years ago to tackle a modern day problem. Did I mention that global warming is real ? and this guy is in charge to make our laws?
You can read more here, here and here.
Vaccines are dangerous.
Vaccines are manufactured by the Umbrella Corporation !
Andrew Wakefield is an english asshole which for some unknown reason got into the very respectful medical profession. In 1998 he published a research which correlated the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR) with autism, even the prestigious medical journal The lancet published his findings and because of that now some people believe the vaccines are the Gates of Hell. Some afraid parents did not take their kids to vaccinations. Leaving them unprotected and exposed to the disease.
Wakefield’s research was found to be at least erroneous, going from fraudulent to even malicious ( he was going to sue the MMR Vaccines companies). Dr Horrendous cannot longer be a medical practitioner in his homeland, back here in america the damage is done, measles returned and as well in the Uk .
Vaccines and Mental Retardation.
Don't be deceived by her beautiful eyes, she does believe in bullshit.
In 2011 the republican primary debate, the contender Michele Bachmann, invigorated the idea of possible vaccine side effects saying that she met a “distraught mother” of a child that developed mental retardation after been inoculated with the HPV vaccine.
There is not evidence that relates vaccines and mental retardation. Nada, zero. Worth to mention, that her husband has a clinic that claims can cure gayness.
Scary fact: she might have a chance to become the presidential candidate for the 2016 Election.
Girl can only walk backwards after getting a flu shot.
Desiree Jennings is a gorgeous virginia resident that after having a flu vaccine shot in 2009 she developed severe side effects: walking erratically, passing out while eating and slurred speech that left her in a terrible state. Her doctors diagnostic: Dystonia, which is a neurological and muscular disorder. She was only able to run and walk backwards normally, and when no cameras were around: she just walked perfectly.
and then:
Why do people believe in these bullshit?
The good professor Stephan Lewandowsky at the University of Western Australia, might be able to give us an answer thanks to his research about the psychology of Conspiracy Theory behind climate change.
This is a part of his interview with salon.com
salon.com: why do people believe conspiracy theories?
Professor Lewandowsky: There are number of factors, but probably one of the most important ones in this instance is that, paradoxically, it gives people a sense of control. People hate randomness, they dread the sort of random occurrences that can destroy their lives, so as a mechanism against that dread, it turns out that it’s much easier to believe in a conspiracy. Then you have someone to blame, it’s not just randomness.
So in other words: this crazy talk gives you hope to keep on going one more day. Faith that you have some sort of control in this hectic world, but when these "truths" are not based in facts and the falsehood can carry very negative effects in others people's lives. Like a mantra beggin to be recited so many times to become reality. This is why individuals professing conspiracies theories can be as dangerous as religious zealots: they go against reason and no proof to base their beliefs.
Just remember, faith does not equal bullshit but is a very thin line.
There are conspiracies theories that are scary because they are totally true. Check them out in this amazing article by craked.com
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