Marijuana is a misunderstood plant. Demonized for long ago without any scientific basis thus hinder its true potential as a natural medication with very few negative side effects. Marijuana is a natural remedy and should be available to everyone's reach. The active chemical compound (THC) is defined as Schedule I Substance with no medical benefit, severely restricting its access to the public, but study after study this has being probed wrong. Weed has medicinal value.
Check this video from CNN, Dr Sanjay Gupta discuss the use of medicinal marijuana in his upcoming documentary: Weed. Due to be air on CNN this Sunday august 11, 2013.
The Incredible case of Alex Echols.
Eleven-year-old Alex Echols is severely autistic kid, and his doctor said Alex's self-destructive behavior is brought on by Tuberous Sclerosis, a rare, genetic disorder that affects about 50,000 people in the U.S. The disorder causes unregulated growth of non-malignant tissue in organs. In Alex's case, his neurologist said growths in Alex's brain have led to seizures and autism.
You can check his facebook page right here.
Gregg Cooper.
Meet Greeg Cooper, a Multiple Sclerosis and Ataxia sufferer which has found that Medicinal Marijuana works for him.
Ten benefits of Medicinal Marijuana.
What is killing us?
In the united states, there are 178 substances that have been declared illegal. They are supposed to be so dangerous that they are forbidden even for medical research. Many of these have never cause death or physically damage. Every year, just in the U.S.A tobacco kills 430, 000 people, alcohol 200, 000. in 1999 140, 000 died from side effects or reactions to prescription drugs. Legal drugs use result in the 15 percent of all hospital admission, a cost of $136 BILLIONS ( with a big B) in medical cost ( with much of taxpayers ended up paying). Marijuana, so far has zero deaths related.
From the book: Understanding Marijuana, by Mitch Earleywine.
Demonized plant? misleading info? Should Marijuana be legal as a medical option? what about recreational use?
Speak your mind.
Check my previous entries about this fascinating theme.
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