The support for the use of Medicinal Marijuana is getting momentum by the everyday american, here in Miami the support is more than eighty percent.1
Colorado2 and Washington3 now allow its residents to use Marijuana for recreational purposes, getting the attention of the nation and the world for this social experiment.
In the second instalment of Dr Sanjay Gupta's4 : WEED 2 Cannabis Madness; deepens in the therapeutic use of Medicinal Marijuana, its social and legal implications and the ordeals that many families go through just to have access to the medication, that in many cases, is their last resort.
Marijuana is a very misunderstood plant. Dr Sanjay Gupta documentary: Weed goes straight to the point and demystifies - as 45 minutes can- the medical marijuana use. Focusing in the case of Charlotte Figi and the Stanley Brothers.
Marijuana is a misunderstood plant. Demonized for long ago without any scientific basis thus hinder its true potential as a natural medication with very few negative side effects. Marijuana is a natural remedy and should be available to everyone's reach. The active chemical compound (THC) is defined as Schedule I Substancewith no medical benefit, severely restricting its access to the public, but study after study this has being probed wrong. Weed has medicinal value.
Check this video from CNN, Dr Sanjay Gupta discuss the use of medicinal marijuana in his upcoming documentary: Weed. Due to be air on CNN this Sunday august 11, 2013.
The Incredible case of Alex Echols.
Eleven-year-old Alex Echols is severely autistic kid, and his doctor said Alex's self-destructive behavior is brought on by Tuberous Sclerosis, a rare, genetic disorder that affects about 50,000 people in the U.S. The disorder causes unregulated growth of non-malignant tissue in organs. In Alex's case, his neurologist said growths in Alex's brain have led to seizures and autism.
Meet Greeg Cooper, a Multiple Sclerosis and Ataxia sufferer which has found that Medicinal Marijuana works for him.
Ten benefits of Medicinal Marijuana.
What is killing us?
In the united states, there are 178 substances that have been declared illegal. They are supposed to be so dangerous that they are forbidden even for medical research. Many of these have never cause death or physically damage. Every year, just in the U.S.A tobacco kills 430, 000 people, alcohol 200, 000. in 1999 140, 000 died from side effects or reactions to prescription drugs. Legal drugs use result in the 15 percent of all hospital admission, a cost of $136 BILLIONS ( with a big B) in medical cost ( with much of taxpayers ended up paying). Marijuana, so far has zero deaths related.
Well, since now I am pretty sure that your attention has being caught, let me introduce you with some very cool info, for you my dear weedheads, sick people that need some medicinal marijuana and for all those who need to relax, avoid stress, gain some weight; and why not: just wanna have fun.
I like info graphics, they are short, not a lot of words and very bright colorful images that gives you a very healthy dose of cool news. A perfect combination of feeling smart without the need of too much reading. Then you can lecture your friends, and they will be amazed, asking: how does little Timmy knows so much about this theme?
No need to thank me. Just doing my job. - will love to get paid tho-
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There is a saying that " Everything in green is life, and life is good" and I cannot agreed more than that.
Lets start with a very gracious and delectable vegetable. Broccoli.
This mother nature product has been studied in so many different researches and has been probed to help in preventing cancer and a new study, may also help the immune system to clean harmful bacteria from the lungs. The compound now has been isolated and is under further research.
Interested? ( you should) you can click right here.
For the people that want to have a little more of technical detail: The compound is sulphoraphane, that stimulates the macrophage activation by the chemical pathway known as NRF2, which is defective with people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ( COPD)
Algae genes allow blind mice to see.
BLIND people could one day have their sight restored thanks to a treatment that borrows a gene from an unlikely source - algae - and inserts it into the retina. The technique has succeeded in restoring the ability to sense light and dark to blind mice, and clinical trials in humans could begin in as little as two years.
"The idea is to develop a treatment for blindness," says Alan Horsager, a neuroscientist at the Institute of Genetic Medicine at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, who leads the research. "We introduce a gene that encodes a light-sensitive protein, and we target the expression of that gene to a subset of retinal cells."
Some 15 million people worldwide have some form of blindness, such as retinitis pigmentosa (RP) or age-related macular degeneration (AMD). In people with these conditions the photoreceptors, which transform light hitting the eye into electrical impulses, are damaged, preventing the brain from receiving image information.
Marijuana to promote brain cells growth, helps to relieve anxiety and depression. ( so far probed in rats)
Marijuana, such a misunderstood plant, used since the beginning of times for medical uses and as well for recreation purposes. Here in America, in order to do a research involving you, the scientist has to do so much paperwork in order to have access to you. Because, some people say, you can be so dangerous like cocaine or heroine. But no in Canada, that polite, seal free frozen sea, is impulsing the research, use and why not?, maybe the marketing of this promising plant. Or this is at least the results on the study and the co-author says Dr. Xia Zhang, of the neuropsychiatry research unit in the department of psychiatry at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada.
Looks like this plant helps to promote the growth of the brain cells, in mice, and in theory can help in humans too.
If you are interested in this article, please click here.
We, human beings are a really complex animals. We do things just because we can, we explore the highest mountains to reach the top, we adventure to virgin lands to be their discoverers; find lands that were destroy thousands of years ago and study how they were, we try to reach the stars just to find if we are alone in the universe, We like to push our limit to be the first, to reach our goal, for success, for glory, to be acknowledge, to put our mark in history and never be forgotten. Maybe is our ego, maybe is our thirst for feel alive, but we dare to reach the most outer part of this universe to look for our answers and we dare to look as well in our inner self, and that's where we use certain substances to acquire altered states of mind. Because our greatest search is the one that makes go inside deep in our mind, and take a look at our soul.
History of drugs.
Drug is any substance that can be therapeutic in the treatment on a disease, to minor the pain, cure o prevent it. A drug with any therapeutic value can be toxic as well. Toxicity is a very important term and subject to interpretation.
Drugs have been used since the light have covered this earth Aztecs had a god "Xochipilli" that is depicted surrounded with hallucinogenic flowers and "Teonacatl" or divine flesh is the representation of Amanita muscaria a.k.a psychedelic mushrooms. In ancient rome there was a very important ritual to Dionisios, the god that created wine, where followers used to drink large amounts of alcohol and finished these congregations with ritualistic orgies ( as early christians use to do) and killings. Note that first, the use of drugs in ancient times where related with the communion of the flesh and soul, a bridge between the the man and God.
Marijuana ( brief time line)
B.C ( before Christ )
The firstrecord of the use of marijuana, is on the hemp ( the fiber plant with really small amount of THC) goes back as 8000 in taiwan, later in 2737 Emperor Sheng Neng of China prescribes Medicinal Marijuana, 1400 the Holy book Atharaveda mentions the Marijuana's anti-anxiety effects.
A.C ( after christ )
23-79: Pliny the Elder's in The Natural History mentions the marijuana analgesics effect. 47-127: Plutarch mentions Thracians using cannabis for recreation. 70: Dioscorides, a physician in Nero's army list Medical marijuna in his pharmacopeia. 130-200: Galen, a greek physician prescribes marijuana medicinally. 200: Chinese surgeon Hua T'o uses marijuana as anesthetic. 300: young woman in Jerusalem receives medical marijuana during childbirth. 1000: Arabic physician Ibn Wahshiyah's warns of marijuana's potential dangers.1090: Hasan Ibn Sabah recruits assassins with hashish, 1200: 1,001 Nights, an arabian collection of tales, describes hashish's intoxicating properties, 1532: French physician Rebelai's Gargantua and Pantagruel mentions marijuana's medicinal effect, 1563: portuguese physician Garcia de Orta reports marijuana's medicinal effect, 1578: China's Li Shih-Chen writes of antibiotic and antiemetic effects of marijuana, 1621: Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy suggest that marijuana may treat depression, 1753: Linnaeus classifies Cannabis sativa. 1764: Medical marijuana appears in The New England Dispensatory.1783: Lamarck classifies the plant Cannabis indica. 1794: Medical Marijuana appears in the Edinburg New Dispensary.1798: Napoleon's soldier's learn of cannabis and hashish in egypt. 1842: Irish physician O'Shaughnessy publishes cannabis research in english medical journals. 1846: French physician Moreau publishes Cannabis and Mental illness. 1850: cannabis added on The U.S.A Pharmacopoeia. 1890: Sir. J.R. Reynolds. chief physician to Queen Victoria, prescribes medical marijuana. 1924:Russian botanists classify Cannabis ruderalis. 1937: Marijuana tax Act passes, requiring special fees for prescription of the drug.1941: Cannabis is removed form The U.S.A pharmacopoeia. 1951: Boggs act increases drug penalties. 1960 Czech researchers confirm antibiotic and analgesic effects of cannabis. 1970: National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws ( NORML) is created. 1971 First Evidence suggesting marijuana may help glaucoma appears. 1975 Nabilone, a cannabinoid based medication appears. 1985: FDA approves Dronabinol, a synthetic THC, for cancer patients. 1992: FDA approves Dronabinol for AIDS-wasting syndrome. 1999: DEA reclassifies dronabinol as schedule III drug, making the medication easier to prescribe. 2000: Legalization initiative in Alaska fails. 2001: Canada adopts federal laws in support of medical marijuana. 2005: Alaska allows have any resident less than four ounces of marijuana. 2010: UK allows the commercialization of sativex, a cannabis based drug for the treatment of Multiple sclerosis.
So, putting it short, Marijuana has a lot of research.
What is killing us?
In the united states, there are 178 substances that have been declares illegal. They are supposed to be so dangerous that they are forbidden even for medical research. Many of these have never cause death or physically damage. Every year, just in the U.S.A tabacco kills 430, 000 people, alcohol 200, 000. in 1999 140, 000 died from side effects or reactions to prescription drugs. Legal drugs use result in the 15 percent of all hospital admission, a cost of $136 BILLIONS ( with a big B) in medical cost ( with much of taxpayers ended up paying). Marijuana, so far has zero deaths related with it's use.
Marijuana is not included in illegal drugs related - deaths.
Policy and laws.
If you are convicted for murder, you will serve an average 6.3 years, with a parole allowed, but if you get caught with a large amount of marijuana, you will serve 10 years, mandatory and minimum and no parole allowed.
In a great article in the, Norm Stamper makes a great point on make a link between the Politics of Cannabis and Color. Yes, laws are biased regarding cannabis, first, Chinese were blamed for the use of marijuana and opium and problems on the society, later black and latinos.
The Drug Policy Alliance, young blacks consume marijuana at rates lower than young whites. Yet in teh 25 largest counties of california where blacks constitute seven percent of the population, African-American men are being arrested at double, tripe or even quadruple the rates of whites.
Why there are so many differences?..... no deaths related with marijuana yet so many deaths with alcohol and tobacco ( and they are legal), so much of the social and economic impact. So much possible revenue of 1.4 billion dollars per year, just in california, and drop the price of good quality weed from 450 dollars to 38 dollars an ounce.
Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that affects the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system). The symptoms vary, because the location and severity of each attack can be different. Episodes can last for days, weeks, or months. These episodes alternate with periods of reduced or no symptoms (remissions). It could be a very painful situation because of the muscle and nerve atrophy. And Marijuana helps to attenuate this symptoms of this degenerative disease.
In june 21, UK was the first country in the world to approved the sell of the drug Sativex ( GW Pharmaceuticals) ; which is made by natural marijuana. This drug is used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. Specifically, Sativex targets the effects of spasticity, a symptom of MS that causes the loss of mobility and spams that can be painful due of the muscles stiffening.
This drug presentation comes in the form of spray, that can be use inside the mouth, or under the tongue.
Clinical trials show that this drug works in the relief of the symptoms for half of the patients as well that there is not evidence of long-term dependence or tolerance, there was no signs of abuse and many users even reduced the dose when their thought it was needed, said Mark Rogerson, spokesman for GW Pharmaceuticals. Side effects are dizziness and fatigue.
The average price of the treatment with Sativex is 11 pounds per day ($16). Is expected to reach the United States within the next two years.
Is the only medical marijuana treatment available by prescription under federal law, Marinol is made synthetic THC ( sativex is made by extracts of natural cannabis plants) is used for patients that suffer side effects of chemotherapy in cancer treatment and helps to increase the appetite of patients with AIDS. The presentation of this drug is in pills and present some side effects like Confusion, decreased coordination, dizziness, drowsiness, elevated or relaxed mood, headache nausea, stomach pain, trouble concentrating, vomiting and weakness.
The average price of the treatment with Marinol could reach as much 23 dlls per day.
Now, let's talk about business.
There is no doubt, Marijuana works in the treatment of a wide range of diseases, from MS to weight loss on AIDS ( looks like helps Glaucoma, anxiety, some mild depressions and many more) there is plenty of Medical Science studies that shows that Medical Marijuana is not a myth but even more research is needed to understand the properties of this plant. That's why many states in USA are creating a legislation that can cope with the demanding of a drug that can help people to have a high quality of life when they are suffering a disease, a Medical Marijuana Legislation.
The definition of drug with therapeutic value is ( : " a chemical substance that used in treatment, cure, prevention or diagnose of disease, or used to to otherwise enhance physical or mental well-being, as well that the side effects should not be worse than those of the disease on treatment, the drug most be easy to use ( pills, spray, needles, tinctures), have access to the medication, and affordable. Marijuana has all these characteristics.
How much does it cost to plant your own marijuana tree ?
With an investment of 50 dlls, you can get a plant of 6 foot tall, which can yield up to 2 oz of weed, each marijuana cigarette has at least one gram of weed, it means that with 50 dlls, you can have enough weed for two whole months.
America is a nation on drugs.
Have you seen the t.v spots about all this new drugs are coming out in the market, Erectile Disfunction ( ED), migraines, Depression, Parkinson, Alzheimer an so on? Pharmaceutical Companies invest millions of dollars on research to be able to get a drug in the market, some of those drugs have side effects that are even worst than the disease itself (case of anti-depressants, some of them can induce suicidal thoughts)
By this I am not implying that all drugs are bad or have side effects that are worst that the disease itself, many drugs are used in the country and work really well, hundreds of thousands of people have been saved thanks to the creation of new drugs and the developing of new chemicals that are going to save more and more people. Companies are here to make money, hire people and make profit and improve their way of living as well, and there is nothing wrong about it, but everything most be done in a good way, no one taking advantage on any of the parties involve.
But putting all the information on perspective, analyze the current data , understanding it and have an open mind, we should be able to reach a conclusion on the best therapeutic way to help to control and cure some illness.
Medical Marijuana is not the answers for all the diseases, but help on many of them, is cheap, easy to get ( in home !) and so far, all the data shows that is harmless.
But the most important thing is that you make your mind and form you opinion.
NOTE:Medicinal Marijuana Legislation in Florida, looks like, is gonna be in the ballots this november.
Maybe is like talking about fantasy, as Hogwarts is for candidates to study magic, Green Way University is for serious people who want to know "How to grow, sell and distribute Medical Marijuana" but the second school is real, sorry Potter fans, this might not have a curriculum which includes " Defense against Black Magic" but surely hash will be study over there and most likely is educative and very interesting, at least.
SInce legislation in states like California, New Jersey and now Colorado passed Medical Marijuana Bill and thus allow the creation of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries, Green Way University has created an unique courses that will allow the attendance the legal and commercial issues related with this business, with Education Courses like BUD CERTIFICATION, MASTER GROWERS CERTIFICATION and MARIJUANA BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, this University gives the tools necessary to start a Medical Marijuana Dispensary, LEGIT !!!.
Now, Colorado's Board of Higher Education has approved this School and it will be the first state licensed marijuana school in the country.
One thousand students have attended Green Way University when started satellite classes in downtown in Colorado last year and this is expanding so fast that now needs a permanent campus and eight full-time instructors.
" We have got an extra botanist, geneticist, we really have some skilled and talented master growers and all of our growers have a minimum of five years experience and grow thousand of patients" Gus Escamilla, CEO of Green Way University said.
as well that " What we do is we teach people not only how to remain in compliance but remain in compliance while using all the applications as it relates to a fundamental business"
As for hand-on experience, Marijuana will not be available in the classrooms yet, as well the graduate alumni will not score grades instead will be certificates. ( amazing !!) but you got to study,there will be some books ( looking forward to read them) and pass tests.
In the near future will be some financial aid and student loans.
Courses take from three to five months and the cost go from Three hundred to two thousand dollars ( how much will be for out-of-state tuition)
Maybe this sounds a little bit "different" that we are used to hear about all the potential applications of the weed, basically now the debate is gravitating in the form of Medical Marijuana, this shift on the opinion is quite interesting, states like California now allow the creation of dispensaries which allows to buy Medical Marijuana in a legal way ( only patients with Medical prescription) but in the federal level, marijuana stills illegal; but President Obama now relax the previous tendencies of former Bush and Clinton administrations, so now the Law is going to punish those who sell illegally this plant and not to those who need it; Medical Marijuana. Why? Because Medical Marijuana works, and works good; so good that a synthetic pill was created and has the name of Marinol and is use as treatment for people that suffers AIDS, chemotherapy, Parkinson Disease and many more ailments.
The recreational use of this plant stills heavy surrounded with miss information, lack of information, and taboo.
Well, now we got this group of people that wrote a series of essays that explore the role of cannabis in your life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, the name of this group is Publius.
They have this new point of view that can enrich the debate of cannabis, they describe the idea that Cannabinoids are necessary to life.
That's a new one, if you want to know more about this, please click here
What you think about it? Does this new approach changes your point of view ?
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